21-08-2016 Lotte wins the title German Winner 2016
Lotte and Mickey both got the last points needed for their Germanchampionship VDH
14-08-2016 Lady performed super at the show in Possen Germany and was 2 days in a row best baby in show.
07-08-2016 Lotte Got the last point needed for her International Championship.
Lotte and Mickey both got the last points needed for their Germanchampionship KfT
Mickey's Dutch Champion certificate has arrived.
On monday 22 februari 7 pups were born 4 dogs en 3 bitches.
The living room is changed, the welping area is ready.
Pff.. 1 week to go
18-1-2015 We are expecting pups in februari the ultra sound revealed at least 5.
22-12-2015 Perfect Penelope De Morrigan(Lotte) is mated now hoping for pups.
12-12-2015 Mother's Finest Heat Is On (Mickey) BOS in Amsterdam and got the title Winner 2015. He has now also enough points for the Duch championship but has to wait until after he is 2 years
and 3 months to get it.